
When Should You Talk to a Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

If you’re feeling uneasy or troubled at work due to unwanted comments or actions that are sexual in nature, you might be facing sexual harassment. It’s not just about the discomfort, it’s a serious issue that the law recognizes and wants to protect you against. But when exactly should you reach out to a sexual harassment lawyer? The short answer: as soon as these incidents begin to affect your peace of mind and job performance. Understanding Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment

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Wage Theft: Know The Laws & Defend Your Rights

Wage theft, an unlawful practice, plagues countless employees, often leaving them feeling powerless. This unlawful activity encompasses a variety of infractions including unpaid overtime, denial of breaks, and receiving less than the minimum wage. While the legality surrounding employee wages is clear-cut, many are unaware of their rights or the steps to take when they’ve fallen victim to wage theft. Here are ways to identify wage theft and the steps to report the issue. Understanding the Basics Wage theft occurs

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Age Discrimination: Recognizing the Signs and Knowing Your Rights

Age discrimination in the workplace is a pressing concern that can adversely affect both the morale and the livelihood of older employees. This form of discrimination arises when employees are treated less favorably due to their age. Being well-informed about the signs of age discrimination and the rights that protect individuals is a significant step toward fostering a fair and equitable work environment. This article explains how to recognize age discrimination and what legal rights protect individuals from this unfair

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Understanding FEHA Retaliation in California

In the State of California, the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) operates as a safeguard for employees against unfair treatment in the workplace, particularly in cases of retaliation from employers. Retaliation often follows after an employee exercises their rights under FEHA, such as reporting harassment or discrimination. This article dives into the variation of FEHA retaliation, illuminating the types, indicators, and steps you could take to address such issues. Recognizing FEHA Retaliation Retaliation under FEHA occurs when employers take

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Discrimination at Work- Identifying the Types, Recognizing the Signs, and Your Next Steps

Discrimination at work is an issue that significantly impacts individuals’ lives and careers. The Los Angeles discrimination lawyers at Moore Ruddell LLP, are committed to addressing this important issue. This blog post aims to provide a clear understanding of workplace discrimination, how to recognize it, and the steps you can take if you believe you have been a victim of discrimination. Types of Discrimination Discrimination in the workplace can take on many forms. Being able to identify the different types

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Understanding ‘Protected Classes’ in California

Understanding protected classes is important for ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all individuals. California has comprehensive anti-discrimination laws that safeguard the rights of diverse groups of people. The Los Angeles discrimination lawyers at Moore Ruddell LLP, stand strong in our commitment to protecting these rights. Federal Protected Classes Federal law provides a foundation for protecting individuals from discrimination and harassment, offering a shield to various groups based on specific characteristics. The protections granted at the federal level serve as

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Wage and Hour Disputes – Common Issues and How to Address Them

Are you feeling lost and frustrated dealing with wage and hour disputes in California? You are not alone. The Los Angeles wage and hour lawyers at Moore Ruddell LLP are here to stand with you and help clear the confusion, ensuring your rights are upheld. Introduction to Wage and Hour Laws in California California has its own set of laws protecting your rights regarding wages and working hours. The basic rights include receiving at least the minimum wage, getting paid

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Can You Lose Your Job for Being Pregnant in California?

In the professional world, expectant mothers may face uncertainty and questions regarding their employment rights in California. In this context, understanding the clear stipulations of California and federal law is paramount. The Los Angeles discrimination lawyers at Moore Ruddell LLP are committed to offering guidance in these areas, ensuring all employees are aware of and can affirm their rights. California’s Pregnancy Discrimination Laws In California, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees based on pregnancy status. The California Fair Employment

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5 Forms of Religious Discrimination at Work & What to Do

Understanding Religious Discrimination Religious discrimination occurs when employees are treated unfavorably because of their religious beliefs or practices. It’s more than just overt prejudice; it’s the subtle biases, the whispered comments, the overlooked promotions, and the stifling of your right to express and practice your faith. The consequences of such discrimination can be far-reaching, impacting your emotional well-being, professional growth, and overall job satisfaction. Five Forms of Religious Discrimination at Work 1. Unequal Treatment Based on Religion Unequal treatment rooted

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Sexual Harassment and the Tech Industry

The tech landscape in California is expansive and dynamic. Yet, while innovations flourish, some deeply rooted problems persist, notably the issue of sexual harassment. If you are navigating the complexities of the tech world and have faced harassment, you are not alone, and you have rights. The Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers at Moore Ruddell stand with you, dedicated to ensuring justice prevails. Background on Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment can take many forms in the workplace. From unwanted comments to

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